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新URL rug-hooking883.jimdoweb.com
(フッキングによって作られた作品を hooked rug = フックト・ラグ、又は フックド・ラグといいます)
What is Rug Hooking?.....It is a craft which is popular among the people in USA and Canada, especially north-east America and east Canada. Use a hook and wool strip(dyed and as-is and cut narrow & long) and make loops from holes of the backing(like Linen) on to the face. Express any motifs with many loops changing their colors. I call it "coloring with fabric".
古くはバイキングの時代からあったとする説や、船乗りが航海の暇つぶしがてら作って港々で売り、土産代に変えたという説、また、故郷で待つ妻への土産にしたという説、ヨーロッパからの移民が生活の必要から編み出したという説など、諸説ありますが、どれも定かではありません。確かなことは、今の形のラグ・フッキングは、移民の多くいたアメリカ東海岸で19世紀の中ごろから盛んになったものの、世界大戦の影響もあって一度廃れかけました。その後、20世紀にパール・マクガウン女史により維持・普及・指導・発展への大いなる尽力がなされ再び盛んになり、さらに美的要素も加わって今に伝えられているということです。 (文責:千津子)
Roots.... Some say it was started in the viking eras, others say started by some sailors who had a plenty time on voyage making rugs to sell at ports and get souvenirs to their wives at home. Or, another say European immigrants produced rugs for necessities of their lives in the new land. We don't know which is the correct answer. But it is sure that Rug Hooking of present-day had been popular in USA and Canada in the middle of 19C. Once it lost its currency during World War eras. In 20C, Ms. Pearl McGown worked hard to keep it up and popularized this craft by designing, teaching, organizing and making development. She brought many people up to teachers by having annual workshop.